CrewSmart Improved Qualifications tool

New Features

Christian Adams
Christian Adams
Turbines from beach

We are delighted to introduce our recently updated Required Qualifications facility, the latest development within the CrewSmart management app.

Our new and improved tool is designed to offer companies greater control and visibility over crew qualifications and competencies to ensure compliance according to industry standards.

How does it work?

Before they can run a vessel or perform specific duties at sea, crew members are legally required to hold a certain level of valid qualifications or certificates. Minimum entry requirements can vary between company, role, vessel, contract, and location, and so keeping track of all crew members and their qualification history can be a time-consuming and laborious task.

The latest software development by CrewSmart makes for a far more efficient process, enabling users to define groups of crew members by qualifications held.

For example, you may have a group called Sea Survival in which only an ENG1 is required, and another group called Certificate of Competencies (CoC) where the minimum qualification held is a Master 200. However you can place Master 500, Master 3000 etc, so if someone is overqualified for the role, the system will still understand they are able to work.

You can also add further requirement groups to your vessels and/or contracts. So, if a contract arises overseas that demands higher qualifications than your standard Master 200, you can apply this requirement to the contract and restrict assignment options to include valid Masters only.

Once set up, these requirements will filter through to the Crew Manager tool where you can receive instant notifications of any expiring qualifications.

What’s more, our simple traffic light system enables companies to view the status of crew qualifications at a glance: a green signal for qualifications with a lengthy timespan, red signalling expired certificates, and amber warnings for qualifications that may expire before the end of a crew member’s assigned rotation.

Future development

Plans are afoot to roll out the same system across CrewSmart’s vessel certification facility, giving you ultimate control over the safety and operability of your shipping fleet.

These exciting updates are all part of the ongoing feature developments you will receive as part of your subscription.

At CrewSmart, we’re dedicated to making your crew management processes more efficient, so we welcome your feedback to ensure we continue to provide a service that adds value.